[Notice] Farming Continues for BSN Through the LST Optimizer

[Notice] Farming Continues for BSN Through the LST Optimizer

To reflect the current usage of the LST Optimizer the initial BSN farming rewards will be available as outlined below. Rewards can increase or decrease with the usage of the protocol.

  • Duration: 30 Days
  • 5,000,000 BSN tokens*
  • Start time: Tuesday December 12, 2023 at 12:53:59 PM +UTC / 4:53 AM PT
  • End time Estimated**: Thursday Jan 11, 2024 at 18:22 UTC / 10:22 AM PT

*Transaction: Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan

The actual transfer amount was less due to the difference between the transaction proposal and execution.

**End block countdown:


The LST Optimizer is gaining nice traction. This could be the key to unlocking BSN value and the BlockSwap ecosystem. Please continue to BSN Farming rewards. And look into marketing the protocol to the larger ETH community.

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How did this turn out?

What’s does the DAO think should happen ahead for farming of BSN through the LST Optimizer?

LST Optimizer can be the best feature of BlockSwap. Let’s continue to market and incentivize it.


@BlockswapDAO - Can we please continue this farming opportunity for 30-90 more days?

We will lose liquidity without farming rewards. What does the BlockswapDAO need to move forward here? thank you.

Are we restarting farming?

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Yes, it has already started. See here for the full details.