We Need Clear 2024 Goals

Can we set concrete goals for 2024? We have lots of proposals but they seem to be all over the map. It may help keep us focused if the Grant Council and DAO team define a clear set of goals for 2024 and how exactly we plan to deliver on them. And a monthly progress report against the goals would be helpful.



The Grants council has clear goals and we’re working on it in the public. The summary is :point_down: below.

  1. increase liquidity
  2. grow partnerships
  3. attract builders
  4. create & increase demand for BSN

The grants council meets monthly and all of our notes are here

Share your feedback and more importantly let us know how you could help us execute on our goals.

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Do we have quantitative goals?

Measurable growth in TVL, total staked ETH, # of grants funded, and new builders in the ecosystem.

Anyone is welcome to share input and suggestions. IMO, it’s not worth our time to make random estimates and it’s better to engage builders and the community to get results.

The BSN token holders are responsible to make the goals happen and everyone is welcome to support / do their part.